IGD helps ensure consistent supply to foodbanks
IGD has been working with the food and consumer goods industry, food surplus charity FareShare, and other charitable food redistributors, to safeguard a consistent supply of food to one of the most vulnerable sectors of society in the UK, in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Susan Barratt, CEO of IGD, said: “Two weeks ago, as the pandemic escalated, and with the support of Defra, we pulled organisations together from our industry to ensure the continued supply of products into foodbanks to help feed a vulnerable section of society.
“I am delighted to say that some 40 companies have stepped forward, with more coming through every day, to offer their support by donating product and funds now and in the coming weeks. It’s a fantastic example of our industry working together to ensure that food can continue to be supplied and distributed through FareShare and other charitable food redistributors’ networks.”
Lindsay Boswell, CEO of FareShare, said: “The generosity of these donations and the compassion for those vulnerable and in need is a massive credit to both the food industry and the IGD. FareShare will now coordinate these offers, not just for its own national redistribution network, but also to foodbanks and other charity food redistributors. We have seen more than 500 new charities and community groups register for food in just the last week alone.”
For companies which would still like to make a pledge contact donations@igd.com
Published Date: April 6, 2020