The Co-op is front runner in takeover race for Nisa

Date: August 31, 2017Leave a comment

The Co-op has replaced Sainsbury as front runner in the takeover race for Nisa, with a figure of £140 million being mooted for the business. Sainsbury, whose name had been […]


Is Nisa being taken over by Sainsbury?

Date: June 22, 2017Leave a comment

According to City reports, Sainsbury is preparing to make a £130 million takeover bid for Nisa. The Co-op and Morrisons are also understood to have been among those showing an […]


Rumours of Palmer & Harvey takeover and departures

Date: May 31, 2017Leave a comment

Palmer & Harvey’s executive deputy chairman Chris Etherington (pictured) is one of several senior executives who are believed to have left the delivered wholesaler. Another is finance director Jon Moxon. […]


Helen Buck leaves P&H after less than a year

Date: April 28, 2016Leave a comment

Less than a year after joining Palmer and Harvey as chief operating officer, Helen Buck (pictured) is to leave the delivered wholesaler. Buck moved to the Hove-based company in November after […]