Women in Wholesale launches monthly morning briefings

Women in Wholesale (WiW) is running a series of one-hour mornings briefings on specialist topics to help members to stay motivated and connected. 

The sessions will cover topics ranging from developing a successful mindset at work to dealing with the menopause and building and nurturing a winning company culture.

“We have many inspiring people in our network who have great stories to tell,” said Coral Rose, chairperson of the FWD. “There’s a great appetite for online learning so we’re responding with a monthly breakfast session between now and our October conference.”

The first session, which takes place at 9.30am on 3 June, will focus on wellbeing strategies and will feature wholesalers and suppliers that are successfully addressing mental health at work.

People can register for the first breakfast briefing here: https://ih1n4j7a60m.typeform.com/to/RH6zuqyO

Published Date: May 21, 2021
Category: Wholesale Industry News