Unitas wholesalers deliver thousands of Easter eggs to essential workers

Members of Unitas Wholesale teamed up with Mondelez to donate and distribute more than 78,000 Easter eggs to foodbanks, care homes, hospitals, frontline NHS staff and emergency workers across the UK over the Easter weekend.

Dee Bee Wholesale, based in Grimsby, delivered more than 20,000 eggs to Grimsby, Scunthorpe and Goole Hospitals and Hull Royal Infirmary. Meanwhile Faílte Foods and Faílte Produce distributed more than 21,500 eggs to 100 locations across Glasgow. MJ Baker Foodservice and Montine Food Company also took part.

Nick Ramsden, managing director of Dee Bee Wholesale, commented: “This is such a difficult time for so many hard-working frontline workers across the NHS, care homes and emergency services, as well as those who are vulnerable and in need, and we wanted to do something to make them smile.”

Jim Cummiskey, CEO of Faílte Group, said: “The distribution of the eggs took two days, delivering to more than 100 different locations across a 50-mile radius and it all went perfectly to plan.”

Darren Goldney, managing director of Unitas Wholesale, said he was thrilled that Unitas members were able to work with Mondelez to “spread some Easter joy”.

“Things are incredibly tough right now and being able to show our appreciation for the fantastic work carried out by NHS workers, care home workers and those in the emergency services means the world to all of us,” he commented. “I’m incredibly proud that our members’ hard work and commitment ensured the eggs got to those who deserve them most and am grateful to Mondelez for this incredibly generous gesture.”

Tel: Unitas Wholesale (01302) 249909

Published Date: April 18, 2020
Category: Wholesale Industry News