Unitas cancels next week’s trade show at Liverpool Exhibition Centre

Unitas Wholesale has cancelled its trade show that was due to take place at the Liverpool Exhibition Centre on 17-18 March.

Darren Goldney: ‘As there are so few members and suppliers now attending, it would not be beneficial for the show to take place.’

Managing director Darren Goldney explained: “It is with regret that I have to inform you that due to the current situation regarding Coronavirus and the subsequent high number of supplier and member cancellations, especially over the last couple of days, we have no option but to cancel the trade show.

“While the advice is not to cancel large events in England, and despite the venue still remaining open to host the event, as there are so few members and suppliers now attending, it would not be beneficial for the show to take place.”

Unitas is asking suppliers to halt all planned deliveries of stock and materials if possible. “We will have a team on site next week should stock be delivered and will work with suppliers if necessary to collect or we can help to provide charity solutions where possible,” said Goldney.

He added: “We are in dialogue with all the service providers to establish what costs can be recovered or moved and will advise in due course.”

To salvage the incremental sales opportunity offered by the show, Unitas is facilitating a process whereby:

Suppliers will be sent their individual electronic extracts from the trade show deal brochure, together with a full list of those members who were originally scheduled to attend.

“You will have already prepared to dedicate sales staff to the two days of the show, and we would now ask that you actively make contact with all members to discuss key brand activity, and maximise sales opportunities by selling-in your show offers,” said Goldney. “Given the challenges around all businesses currently, we would ask that this exercise be completed and summarised by close of business on Friday 20 March 2020.”

Members will be sent a further electronic copy of the full trade show deal brochure, together with a complete (primary) contact list of all suppliers who were originally scheduled to attend.

Goldney said: “We would ask that members’ trading personnel proactively make contact with all suppliers over the course of the week, in order to engage, refocus brand plans, and invest in that supplier’s show offers.  It is particularly important that members make the time to connect with new suppliers to their business; this is an essential part of why new suppliers invested in the Unitas Trade Show.”

Unitas is exploring its options for a future show and plans to update suppliers and members next week.

Tel: Unitas Wholesale (01302) 249909




Published Date: March 13, 2020
Category: Wholesale Industry News