Third time lucky for Abra Wholesale in Luton?

Abra Wholesale, the Edmonton, north London, C&C wholesaler that opened a 55,000 sq ft branch in Luton at the end of July, has lost its second general manager there.

The original incumbent, Sean Purnell, formerly with Tesco for 11 years, left shortly after joining, having earlier been undecided about whether to take up the offer.

Abra Wholesale depotHis replacement, David Baker, whose long career in the C&C trade included spells as a senior executive with Nurdin & Peacock, Booker and Bestway, has also quit, blaming the long daily travel to Luton for his decision.

When Baker joined the Landmark Wholesale member earlier this year, it was as general manager of the Edmonton unit, but he agreed to move to Luton when Purnell left.

The newly-appointed man in charge at Luton is Seliah Ranjan, a former Bestway general manager.

Tel: Abra Wholesale 020-8887 9303

Published Date: November 2, 2015
Category: Wholesale Industry News