Tata donates to GroceryAid as demand grows for the charity’s services

Tata Consumer Products has donated £150,000 to GroceryAid, at a time when calls on the charity’s services are growing significantly as the wider impacts of social distancing, reduced economic circumstances and health worries hit those working within the grocery industry and their families.

Use of the GroceryAid Helpline has accelerated since mid-March, with a third of calls specifically about COVID-19 and 70% of all callers accessing immediate emotional support through trained counsellors.

Last year the charity spent £4.25 million on welfare payments alone. Because of the Coronavirus crisis, all of the fundraising events planned for this year have had to be cancelled, leaving the charity with a substantial shortfall.

Tata Consumer Products is also contributing to the care packs for the 1.5 million most vulnerable people in the UK and continuing to supply tea to frontline health and emergency staff and patients within the NHS. This, along with many other smaller donations and offers of support, are being made by the company and individual colleagues.

Graeme Karavis, UK managing director of Tata Consumer Products, says: “We value our people and appreciate the contribution they are making to our own business and to helping others during this crisis, and I am proud that we are able to provide this support to GroceryAid at a time when those working in the industry are most in need.”

Tel: Tata Consumer Products 020-8338 4000


Published Date: April 20, 2020
Category: Wholesale Industry News