SWA launches project with aim of decarbonising the wholesale industry

The Scottish Wholesale Association has unveiled a project to investigate how to decarbonise the wholesale industry in Scotland.

The initiative, which supports the Scottish Government’s ambition for Scotland to be carbon net-zero by 2045, is in two phases: the first will look at wholesalers’ distribution fleets, with a particular focus on Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC) and Electric Vehicle (EV) technologies, and the second phase will consider the environmental impact of wholesalers’ cold storage facilities.

The SWA has recruited Jessica Palmer, who has an MSc in Environmental Entrepreneurship, for an initial 12-week placement to work on the project. By speaking to wholesalers and working closely with SWA affiliate member the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association and their own members, she will aim to identify and recommend how wholesalers’ delivery vehicles and warehouses could be made more sustainable and environmentally efficient.

Jessica Palmer has been recruited to work on the project.

Once the project is complete, SWA members will be given information that will enable them to make calculated investment decisions for the decarbonisation of their businesses. On a wider scale, an aim of the project is to create a Scottish wholesale industry net-zero transition plan.

The initiative will also help to identify where investment and infrastructure requirements should be directed by the manufacturers and developers of alternative fuels and vehicles.

In addition, the project will enable the SWA to make recommendations to the Scottish Government, and enterprise organisations, for financial investment in helping the wholesale food and drink supply chain to transition to greener technologies.

Commenting on the initiative, SWA chief executive Colin Smith said: “Through our ‘Decarbonisation Of The Wholesale Industry Project’, the SWA has the opportunity to be the first organisation in the UK to investigate and implement the private commercial use of HFC technology and/or EV technology at a sector-wide level. The Scottish wholesale industry could therefore become Scotland’s first ‘commercial testbed’, particularly for HFC.

“Carrying out this project on an industry scale will generate bigger benefits to our members than if they do it alone – not only in time and cost savings, as we are conducting the research on their behalf, but also in hopefully being able to attract funding.

“For example, the SWA will be pushing for our members to get access to some of the £109 million Scottish Government funding set aside for business investment in this technology.”

Tel: Scottish Wholesale Association 0131-556 8753



Published Date: February 17, 2021
Category: Wholesale Industry News