Sugro links with PepsiCo for split testing project

Sugro and PepsiCo have teamed up to improve their ecommerce performance as part of a new split testing project spanning the entire buying group.

Yulia Petitt: ‘Any means to find out what works best online is welcome’

The two companies are using’s B2B Digital Advertising module to run a series of tests in ecommerce platforms, with the aim of discovering the variables that deliver the best results and drive more online sales into the business.

Split testing (or A/B testing) allows users to run multiple versions of an advert or product listing simultaneously, with randomly segmented customer groups seeing only one iteration – ensuring the fairest test of the assets and indicating which approach has been most successful.

Any editable variable on an ecommerce platform can be tested, such as copy, design, imagery, colour or calls to action.

“Selling products online is now a key part of any top-performing wholesaler’s business, so any means to find out what works best online is welcome,” said Yulia Petitt, Sugro’s head of commercial and marketing.

“The insight we’ll receive from running the split tests with PepsiCo will be incredibly valuable for our wholesalers, with the results mutually beneficial for our members, PepsiCo and Sugro.

“Once we have run several tests on different variables, we’ll have a much clearer idea of ecommerce best practice and be able to make changes that will result in selling more products in the future.” will run the tests across Sugro’s ecommerce estate and provide real-time results in the B2B dashboard for immediate review.


Published Date: March 5, 2023
Category: Wholesale Industry News