Steve Leach steps down as Nisa sales director

Nisa has announced that its sales director, Steve Leach, has decided to leave the business.

Since joining Nisa in January 2014, Leach (pictured) has held a number of senior roles. In his most recent position as sales director, he managed a dedicated team focused on supporting Nisa’s 1,400 retailers.

Leach also played an important role in devising and implementing Nisa’s new partner recruitment strategy, and was a board member of Making a Difference Locally, Nisa’s charitable arm that supports the communities that Nisa retailers serve.

Commenting on his departure Nisa CEO Michael Fletcher said: “Steve has always provided great support to all Nisa partners and colleagues, and leaves Nisa with our thanks for all the hard work, dedication and expertise he has brought to Nisa.”

Leach added: “I have very much enjoyed being part of the Nisa team and helping to build something we can all be proud of. I am looking forward to taking some time out, ahead of seeking a senior role that will enable me to step up to new leadership challenges.”


Published Date: May 19, 2022
Category: Wholesale Industry News