Savona first in Europe to use 100% electric dual-temp vehicles

Savona Foodservice is now delivering to customers in North Devon and Oxford in dual-temperature vehicles that are 100% electric. These are claimed to be the first of their kind in the UK and Europe.

“Much time, effort and investment has gone into getting the spec and design of these vehicles right,” said Darren Holloway, director of central operations.

“The Maxus e – Deliver 9 vehicles are unique because the gross vehicle weight is uplifted from 3.5 to 4 tonnes, thereby compensating for the additional weight of the batteries. This allows the vehicle to provide a pay load of 1.2 tonnes, with dual-temperature compartments, and cover a range of 100 miles.”

Compared to diesel vehicles, the electric vans will save 24,960 of carbon per year (based on a range of 120 miles per day, six days per week).

The decision to introduce these vehicles goes hand in hand with the selection of an energy provider that uses 100% renewable energy, which in itself has removed 12% of Savona’s total carbon emissions.

“This is just the beginning of our vehicle replacement programme, and we’re proud to be innovators in our industry for the good of the planet,” said director Kelly Williams.

Savona has already adopted other practices and systems as part of its aim to reach net zero:

  • Became the first wholesaler in the South West to eliminate single-use plastics from its range.
  • Implemented a new warehouse management system and ePod devices, resulting in a significant reduction of paper.
  • Empowers customers to consider eco-conscious brands by offering sustainable products, such as takeaway food boxes made from seaweed, that fully degrade like a piece of fruit within six weeks.
  • Introduced digital business cards.



Published Date: December 1, 2022
Category: Wholesale Industry News