Sales of ACE with virus-busting ingredient rise by 200%

ACE, the laundry and cleaning brand, has seen a 200% uplift in sales across Europe since the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic began, thanks to unique bleaching agent found in ACE for Whites.

ACE for Whites, distributed by Robinson Young, is the only household washing brand, designed for European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) clothing, that contains bleach with the virus-busting ingredient sodium hypochlorite.

Governments across the world have been testing the COVID-19 virus’s ability to live on surfaces – such as door handles, walls, and work surfaces – but the report from the ECDC is the first in Europe that offers washing guidance for clothing.

Shirley Peet, marketing manager for ACE products in the UK, comments: “To see an uplift of 200% across Europe must be attributed to the fact that ACE for Whites is the only washing brand that contains the Hydro Bleach mentioned in the ECDC guidelines.”

ACE for Whites can only be used on whites but is a great addition to the wash of children’s clothing as they return to school. White school shirts and PE kits should be washed daily to prevent the possibility of carrying the virus.

Peet continues: “As parents are potentially going to be sending the kids back to school – in phases from 1 June – a regular washing of all clothing is essential.”

The pandemic has seen a shift in consumer behaviour when it comes to cleaning products, including increases in cash & carry purchases, as people shop in convenience stores when supermarkets are not so easy to get to and queues continue to be commonplace.

Tel: Robinson Young (01284) 766261


Published Date: May 19, 2020
Category: Product & Promotions News