Pilgrim Foodservice team raise over £3,500 from Big Sleep Out

Team members from Pilgrim Foodservice braved the cold to participate in Peterborough’s Big Sleep Out event, raising more than £3,500 for two good causes – the Light Project Peterborough in collaboration with the Posh Foundation.

The Big Sleep Out took place on 8 March at Peterborough United’s stadium with the aim of raising awareness about homelessness, as well as raising funds to help support those who are in need within the city.

The six-strong Pilgrim Foodservice team (pictured) comprised Jim Shinn, Liz Reid, Luke Cooper, Rachel Atkin, Sharon Horry, and Tina Creak. Reid, whose commitment to fundraising shines through her position on the company’s charity committee, remarked: “We all jumped at the chance to take part in the Big Sleep Out. By taking part, we hope we did our part in increasing awareness of homelessness as well as raising vital funds to help those who are in need within Peterborough.”

Rachel Atkin, head of people at Pilgrim Foodservice echoed this sentiment, reflecting on the challenging experience: “Spending the night out in the cold was eye-opening. It is humbling to realise that for many, this is not just a one-night ordeal – it really drives home that many are faced with similar conditions night after night with no warm bed to go home to the next day.”

Published Date: March 17, 2024
Category: Wholesale Industry News