Palmer and Harvey does the rounds with SIRCLE

Palmer and Harvey claims its customers could earn an extra £2,000 a year by participating in the new SIRCLE loyalty scheme.

Unveiled at the recent Pro-retail show, it is designed to help retailers improve store standards and increase sales and profit.

The scheme focuses on core products it is believed shop owners should be selling to achieve the best returns.

Retailers are rewarded based on their purchasing, gaining points for buying P&H recommended products, implementing regular promotions and following store standards.

Every three weeks, an independent auditor will visit stores on behalf of SIRCLE to check how top-selling products are being promoted and suggest ways to maximise their potential. Gaps in stock will also be identified, using live sales data. If orders are placed for these missing products, retailers can still be rewarded.

Promotions will be measured and traders will be notified of offers for the next period. These will be pre-sold into the stores, ensuring retailers are fully compliant.

In addition to verbal feedback, retailers can go online to access their results through a dedicated website, review purchases and changes, check how they are performing against other P&H customers, and download promotional planograms.

SIRCLE members will also be invited to join the wholesaler’s fledgling news and magazine category management service.

Business development controller Simon Harris, said: “The scheme will see us working together with retailers and suppliers to offer support, increase sales and raise store standards. This in turn will help to increase profitability.”

Tel: Palmer and Harvey (01273) 222100

Published Date: May 13, 2016
Category: Wholesale Industry News