Nisa Expo returns to Stoneleigh on 27-28 September

The Nisa Expo is returning as an in-person event this year.

The trade show will take place at the NAEC Stoneleigh on 27-28 September.

A gala dinner and awards ceremony will be held on the first evening, and a local foodbank charity will collect residue stock at the close of the exhibition.

More than 200 suppliers will be in attendance to share their latest products, talk about trends they are seeing and engage with Nisa retailers.

In addition, the Nisa and Co-op teams will be there to talk to existing and potential Nisa retailers.

Events manager Jenny Potter said: “As ever, the expo will provide the perfect opportunity for suppliers and partners to interact and share thoughts and ideas with new as well as existing contacts.

“We know that nothing beats seeing and speaking to others in person and so we’re delighted to be able to welcome partners, prospects, suppliers and colleagues back to Stoneleigh once again.”

Published Date: May 5, 2022
Category: Wholesale Industry News