New book ‘Ignite Your Business’ and mentoring service by Andrew Selley

Bidfood CEO Andrew Selley has written a book, Ignite Your Business: How To Lead Your Business To Greatness. The release date is 5 November.

“My book will help you through the current predicament to survive and then thrive!” he said.

In the book, Selley talks about how to:
• inspire and lead your team (Chapter 1)
• use four methods to create unstoppable momentum (Chapter 2)
• understand the six reasons you need awesome communication and how to do it (Chapter 5)

“Don’t stay stuck in a rut! Take action! Buy my book on November 5th and Ignite Your Business!” he said. Details of where to buy the book will be announced on 4 November.

In addition to the book, Selley has launched a mentoring service, offering “a select few business leaders” a six or 12-month programme that will help them tackle their business issues.

“I help leaders of underperforming businesses explode their profits,” says Selley.

“Through my vast experience and my accessible coaching style I can assist other CEOs and business leaders to achieve their goals of rapid profit improvement, engaged and motivated teams, and clear business strategies that everyone in your team wants to follow.

“Imagine having decades of experience available at any time to assist you with the business problems that you have right now, and the ones you don’t even know about yet!

“Forget the politics and the bureaucracy – I know your pain and I know your problems – and I can help you!”

For further information, contact

Published Date: October 22, 2020
Category: Wholesale Industry News