MPK to convert 11 forecourt sites to Nisa

Nisa and MPK Garages have signed a deal that will see 11 forecourt sites join Nisa over the next three months.

The 11 former Morrisons stores vary in size from 1,000 sq ft to 3,000 sq ft and are located across England in areas including Bristol, Worcestershire, Yorkshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire.

The revamped retail range will focus on food-to-go and chilled offerings, and each store will also stock a wide Co-op own-brand offer across all categories. All 11 sites will sport a dual branded fascia.

Wayne Harrand, retail director at MPK Garages, said: “We are delighted to be working with the Nisa team, as we transition our stores to the new dual branded fascia.

“The Nisa and Co-op offering provides a solid platform for growth in our sector, as we continue to secure more market share in our local communities.

“We now have the scope to add value to our local customer experience and offer the best possible prices in store daily with the new Nisa supply deal.”

Victoria Lockie, head of retail at Nisa, added: “We are delighted to have MPK Garages on board as part of the Nisa family.

“It’s been a really impressive team effort by everyone at Nisa, working closely with the team at MPK to make the move as smooth as possible, and I am absolutely confident MPK customers will really enjoy the expanded new range now available to them.”

Published Date: April 24, 2023
Category: Wholesale Industry News