Metro/Makro encourages people to order Christmas meal from restaurants

Metro/Makro has launched a global TV and online campaign to encourage consumers to order their festive meal from a local restaurant.

The ‘Give Your Kitchen A Break’ campaign is designed to support the foodservice sector, while at the same time highlighting an opportunity for a pleasant respite from the challenges of everyday lives during lockdown.

Gisele Musa, VP/global director branding at Metro AG, said: “Usually our communication is targeting our professional customers, but with #GiveYourKitchenABreak we stretched our audience to connect with the general public.

“Because of the pandemic, the gastronomy business is having the hardest time ever, but also, people are fed up with their lockdown home situation. That’s why we send out an invitation to the whole society to play a role, take a break and show their support while enjoying their Christmas menu from independent restaurants.

“It allows gastronomy to stay in business and people can still enjoy all the choices around them. A perfect combination for a special Christmas in this special year.”

The campaign film is available here:

Tel: Metro +49 211 68860

Published Date: November 24, 2020
Category: Wholesale Industry News