Maynards and Bassetts join forces to reinvigorate adult candy

Mondelez International is relaunching Maynards and Bassetts products under the ‘masterbrand’ Maynards Bassetts, with the aim of “reawakening adults’ desire for candy products with a little light-hearted silliness”.

Maynards Bassetts forwebThe portfolio of classic British favourites, which includes Wine Gums – the UK’s number one selling sugar bag (Nielsen) – plus Jelly Babies and Liquorice Allsorts, will feature new packaging.

The initiative will also see the introduction of Bertie’s Jelly Mix, an assortment of jelly sweets in different fruity flavours and shapes, including bow ties, cups and saucers, and, of course, Berties.

Bertie’s Jelly Mix comes in 130g and 160g packs, with rsps of £1.25 and £1.52 respectively. Both formats are supplied in cases of 12. Also available is a £1 price-marked pack (130g), 10 to a case.

The launch of Maynards Bassetts is being supported by a £4 million campaign, including TV, PR, digital and in-store activity.

Katie Bashford, senior brand manager for Joyful Candy at Mondelez International, said: “Our research shows that 65% of candy is purchased by adults. We believe this provides a real opportunity.

“Maynards and Bassetts are strong British brands that are well loved and evoke a sense of nostalgia. They’ve stood the test of time and consumers have told us they would welcome their revival.”

Maynards Bassetts will be the number one adult candy brand (Kantar), worth a £127.9 million (Nielsen).

Tel: Mondelez International (08702) 400861

Published Date: January 25, 2016
Category: Product & Promotions News