Love Drinks becomes UK distributor for Puerto de Indias gins

Love Drinks has taken on the UK distribution of the Puerto de Indias range of gins.

Since the Andalucian brand was first distilled in 2013, Puerto de Indias has been instrumental in turning the gin market on its head after pioneering the launch of the world’s first, and now much-copied, strawberry gin.

Puerto de Indias was originally created by a happy mistake when two Sevillian brothers decided to macerate locally grown strawberries in alcohol. Not realising the effects that a Seville summer would have on the fruit and liquid, a lush, strawberry pink gin was born and the flavoured gin revolution began.

Love Drinks will initially be focusing on the current range of Strawberry, Blackberry and Black Edition variants, but a selection of new products will be rolling out in 2024.

Samantha Burke, managing director of Love Drinks, comments: “It’s a huge honour to be the new importers of a pioneering brand like Puerto de Indias that spearheaded the launch of flavoured gins and has been driving the revolution ever since through its supreme quality, taste-rich range and absolute authenticity. They built the glass ceiling for flavoured gins and have continued to smash it through their ongoing innovation so we’re excited to be working with them to drive further growth and success over the coming years.”

Puerto de Indias’ Europe sales manager Raul Blanco adds: “Our brand has gone from being a fortuitous accident to a world and market leader in just ten years so we’re incredibly excited about what the next decade will hold. With Love Drinks as our new UK importer, we believe we have the perfect UK partner and people to help us reach our goals.”

Published Date: August 29, 2023

Category: Product & Promotions News