Lioncroft Wholesale funds fellowship to support children with cancer

Clinical researcher Ali Timmons and Lioncroft Wholesale CEO Jason Wouhra.

Birmingham-based wholesaler Lioncroft Wholesale is funding a new fellowship designed to transform the lives of children with cancer and their families.

Lioncroft Wholesale, which has cash & carry depots in Aston and Smethwick, created the Lioncroft Foundation to support charitable initiatives locally and around the world.

Founded by CEO Jason Wouhra, wife Daali and family from Lioncroft Wholesale, the Lioncroft Foundation has made a major donation to The Cancer Awareness Trust. This  has enabled the Trust to appoint a dedicated childhood cancer specialist – Lioncroft fellow – in collaboration with Solving Kids’ Cancer UK, a leading childhood cancer charity.

The Lioncroft fellow role, filled by clinical researcher Ali Timmons, will support families whose children have been diagnosed with neuroblastoma, which is the second most common solid tumour in children after brain tumours and usually affects children under five.

“Sadly, cancer is an illness that affects large numbers of individuals and their families, including our own,” said Wouhra. “Childhood cancer is a heartbreaking condition and we are honoured to have the opportunity through the Lioncroft Foundation to support children who are diagnosed with neuroblastoma.

“We are hopeful that through our support this condition will be researched further to provide help and guidance to families as well as the development of clinical trials to make enough of a difference to enable the elimination of this condition altogether.”

Based in Birmingham, the role will help to develop cancer navigation pathways to support families to access essential information and support as they navigate the best possible treatment for their child, including wider support structures such as mental and financial health support.

The role will also have a considerable impact on The Cancer Awareness Trust’s development of Cancer Platform, a world-first, free-to-use global resource that will provide patients with access to expert information quickly and easily. The first iteration of the platform will be launched later this year.

“The Lioncroft Foundation aims to assist those in need, be it regionally, nationally or internationally,” said Wouhra. “This funding kickstarts the Lioncroft Foundation’s plans to support many more charities in the coming years.”


Published Date: January 31, 2024
Category: Wholesale Industry News