Landmark lifts market share and announces focus areas to drive growth

Delegates at Landmark’s annual conference in Montreux heard that the group is focusing on four key areas to help its wholesale members drive their business forward.

The theme of Landmark Wholesale’s annual conference, ‘Creating Tomorrow’s Growth’, could not have been more timely or pertinent, according to the group’s managing director Martin Williams (pictured).

“We all know that the landscape is tougher than ever before, whether we are wholesalers or suppliers, in retail or in foodservice. While the IGD has reported very low figures of growth, more worrying is the forecast for the next four years – growth is predicted to be the lowest we’ve seen,” he said.

“Regardless of our role within the chain, it is clear that we need to focus on finding better and different ways to create growth and drive our business forward.”

Williams told Cash & Carry Management that during the conference, which was held at Fairmont Le Montreux Palace, Switzerland, delegates heard about the many challenges facing the C&C/wholesale industry: “Deflation is very real and trading times are tough and uncertain. However, although the challenges are obvious, I’m delighted that Landmark’s strategy is clearly working. While other big players in the sector are down, Landmark is in growth.

“Based on recent declarations from our main competitors, our performance of +2% shows that we are increasing our share of the market, which is very pleasing.”

Speakers at the conference included David Field, head of global sales at Nestlé; Marc Firestone, senior vice president and general counsel at Philip Morris International; Paul Johnson, economist at the Institute for Fiscal Studies; James Bielby, chief executive of the FWD; and James Lowman, chief executive of the Association of Convenience Stores.

Along with Landmark central office executives, several wholesale members were on the rostrum. They included Tony Deep Wouhra, chairman of East End Foods; Eser Altinay, assistant general manager at EDA Quality Foods; and Gavin Jones, trading director at Jones Food Solutions.

A pervading theme, reported Williams, was the tremendous potential that still lies within the sector. “It is down to us to seize the opportunities and make them our own,” he said.

Arrivals & Welcome Dinner forweb“This year, Landmark, with input from the Board, has chosen four key areas to focus on to best reflect our customers’ needs. These are Lifestyle Express, foodservice, own-brand and trading. Each area is driven by our indepth use of data and insight, which not only benefits our trading and marketing teams but also our suppliers and members.”

Williams continued: “All of us at Landmark are incredibly proud of our work in each of these key areas, and our commitment to driving the business forward is seeing real results. However, as always, our focus remains on our customers, and their customers, and we continue to strive to exceed expectation and deliver the best possible products, prices and service.”

More than 230 people attended Landmark’s conference, and there was “a really good mix of new members and suppliers mixing well with regulars”, noted Williams. The event combined business presentations and one-to-one meetings with a packed social programme. Feedback from previous conferences shows that this is a winning formula, said Williams, “with delegates enthusing about the opportunity to learn and be inspired by speakers, and to connect and reconnect with others in the industry, as well as for members and suppliers to meet, face to face, away from the traditional business environment”.

Guest speakers at the event were former Newsnight anchor Jeremy Paxman and Great Britain’s most successful ever swimmer, Rebecca Adlington OBE, whose inspirational presentations were a hit with delegates.

Tel: Landmark Wholesale (01908) 255300

Published Date: June 9, 2016
Category: Wholesale Industry News