JUUL vaping products gain listings in Dhamecha and United Wholesale Scotland

JUUL Labs has gained listings in Glasgow-based United Wholesale Scotland and Dhamecha Group, of London and the Midlands. Both will begin stocking a range of JUUL products in the new year.  

Chris Gallacher, managing director of UWS, comments: “At United Wholesale, our mission is to support and grow the independent retail sector by providing top class branded products at competitive prices together with retail advice and merchandising support that benefit the end consumer.

“JUUL’s mission is unique in the industry and we are looking forward to working with them to encourage more adult smokers to switch across the independent stores we serve in depot and also through our 600-strong Day-Today and USave estates.”

The launch in United will be accompanied by significant activation in its Queenslie ‘Depot of the Future’, with digital advertising and customer education and support in tobacco rooms.

Mukesh Vithlani, trading director of Dhamecha, says: “At Dhamecha, we aim to be the number one choice for retailers and this means helping our customers recognise and take advantage of opportunities and trends in the convenience sector.

“The vaping category is an area that offers independent retailers huge scope for growth and we are delighted to be working with JUUL Labs to help customers realise the potential of the category.”

John Patterson, sales director of JUUL Labs UK, says: “Cash & carry is a key route to market for many independent retailers and our partnership with United will increase our footprint across Glasgow and beyond. Similarly, our partnership with Dhamecha will increase our footprint across London and also give us additional availability in Birmingham and Leicester.”

JUUL Labs has been highly selective in entering the wholesale channel as each retailer has to sign up to its Challenge 25 programme.

Patterson explains: “JUUL and all vaping products are for adult smokers and existing nicotine users only, and Challenge 25 is mandatory for all retailers regardless of channel or size, so for JUUL Labs it is not simply a case of putting product on shelf in wholesale. We also have to ensure that any third parties we supply, including wholesalers, align with our policy of signing up retailers to enforce the necessary age-verification procedures to ensure that our products do not get into the hands of unauthorised users and in particular youths.

“We are working with each wholesaler to introduce robust age verification programmes in depot and online to prevent youth usage and help keep retailers within the law.”

Tel: JUUL Labs (0808) 164 1301



Published Date: December 18, 2019
Category: Product & Promotions News