JJ Mastercard gives caterers longer to pay

Caterers now get 56 days to pay their bills with the JJ Food Service Mastercard, launched less than a year ago. Additionally, the maximum spending limit has been doubled to £50,000.

The company claims that the card is providing caterers with more than £3.4 million in credit a month.

It originally offered customers up to £25,000 to spend and up to 37 days of interest-free credit, with no monthly or annual fees.

Group general manager Terry Larkin said: “We provide credit limits that are affordable and beneficial for businesses, allowing caterers to buy the stock they need.

“Now, with longer terms to repay, we’re supporting them to improve their cash flow.”

Since the launch of the card, the average customer spend at JJ Food Service has risen by 30%.

JJ Food Service (01992) 701701

Published Date: September 13, 2018
Category: Wholesale Industry News