Head of marketing and digital Salih Sheikh leaves Bestway

Salih Sheikh (pictured)head of marketing and digital at Bestway, is leaving the C&C/wholesaler to become chief marketing officer of a start-up business within the food industry.

A company spokesperson said that Sheikh was looking for opportunities to build on his experience to benefit Bestway Wholesale in the future. “The step will enable Bestway to have better insight into exploring new avenues through the food delivery market,” said the spokesperson.

As a result of Sheikh’s departure, Mindy Mondair, who recently reached one year in her role as senior marketing manager at Bestway, will head up the marketing and digital teams as head of trade marketing. She will report to Bestway’s trading director Kenton Burchell.

“This will bring our marketing and trading teams closer together and it demonstrates the importance that Bestway places on providing a consistent and joined-up offer for its different customers across the retail, catering and pet businesses,” said the spokesperson.

Tel: Bestway Wholesale 020-8453 1234



Published Date: October 9, 2019
Category: Wholesale Industry News