Gold standard award for Bidvest Kent depot

Derek Moore (left) and other staff from the Kent depot, which has just been awarded Investors In People gold accreditation.

The Paddock Wood, Kent, branch of Bidvest Foodservice has received the Investors in People gold standard accreditation – claimed to be the highest standard in people management practices.

The award was presented following an assessment process that included interviews with 45 staff. The depot ‘excelled’ in 127 of the 134 categories, which led to it being raised from accredited status, which it received three years ago.

The company’s three-day induction process for new staff and cuts in food waste were among the elements that contributed to the award being made.

General manager of the depot Derek Moore said: “Our employee initiatives are designed to ensure staff feel valued, such as our ‘insight days’, where every team member is given the opportunity to shadow someone else in the company, allowing them to identify roles they may be interested in progressing in the future.”

Moore said the depot also employed ex-prisoners as part of its commitment to support their rehabilitation in the community.

Tel: Bidvest Foodservice (0370) 3663 000


Published Date: May 20, 2016
Category: Wholesale Industry News