Gary Mullineux made permanent MD of Caterforce

Gary Mullineux, who was named as interim managing director of Caterforce after the announcement that MD Nick Redford was leaving at the end of 2019 (Cash & Carry Management: October 2019), has now been appointed permanently in that position.

Mullineux (pictured) joined the group eight years ago as buying manager and was promoted to purchasing director in 2014.

In his role as managing director, his key areas of focus include developing the Chefs’ Selections and Roast 440 own-brand ranges and launching new cleaning range ProClean. He will also be working closely with members to implement new technology.

Mullineux said: “It’s an extremely exciting time for the business, and to be given the opportunity to lead Caterforce forward is one of which I am very proud.

“The past four months have helped me gain valuable experience – the perfect sounding board before taking on the role full-time.”

The group is predicting a turnover of more than £600 million by next year.

Tel: Caterforce (01625) 440188


Published Date: January 10, 2020
Category: Wholesale Industry News