More female staff sought by JJ Food Service

By next year, JJ Food Service wants at least 20% of its warehouse staff to be female.

HQ branch manager Sedat Kaan Hendekli said: “At the start of 2017 we had a mainly male workforce at the Enfield warehouse. Six months later 8% are female and the percentage is rising.”

Work flexibility has been a real driving force, he added.  Other attractions include on-the-job training, childcare vouchers, appealing career prospects and full and part-time positions.

Women, he claimed, also have a positive impact on male staff. “Our female employees are hardworking, honest and trustworthy. They set an excellent example for everyone and fit well into our warehouse team.”

Hendekli reckoned that JJ Food Service could soon have it first female branch manager. He commented: “Many of our managers started in warehouse roles, learning the job from the ground.”

Women, he said, were now more likely to reach senior level positions, which would have a positive impact across the business.

Tel: JJ Food Service (0843) 309 0991


Published Date: July 24, 2017
Category: Wholesale Industry News