Failté achieves top AA grade four years in a row

Failté Group has retained its AA grade BRC Global Standard accreditation for the fourth year in a row.

CEO Jim Cummiskey (pictured) commented: “The ability to pass such a rigorous audit for another year is a credit to Failté’s staff and the systems and working methods we have in place.

“BRC is beneficial for Failté customers as it demonstrates our commitment to deliver best practices in operating standards and proves we maintain the highest control of quality and safety across the entire operation.”

The BRC Global Standard for Storage and Distribution is designed for logistics operations dealing with food, packaging, and consumer products, and has been achieved by more than 2,200 sites in 54 countries.

Tel: Failté Group 0141-548 6170

Published Date: May 10, 2021
Category: Wholesale Industry News