Double bonus for Parfetts’ Liverpool depot

Staff at Parfetts’ Anfield cash & carry have earned an extra bonus by increasing sales by more than 11% over the past year.

As an employee-owned concern, the operator pays all workers a bonus based on a 3% share of annual profits.

The best performing depot can earn an additional 4% by achieving a 10% or more rise.

Congratulating staff on their success, operations director Andy Whitworth said: “Anfield had an exceptional year. I am delighted that the employees will receive this combined bonus, which amounts to approximately £700 each, tax free.

“I’d like to thank them all for their hard work and commitment over the past 12 months.”

Tel: Parfetts Cash & Carry 0161-429 0429

Parfetts Cash & Carry

Published Date: October 18, 2015
Category: Wholesale Industry News