Dee Bee uses Gander to highlight reduced-to-clear items to consumers

Dee Bee Wholesale is tackling food waste by collaborating with digital platform Gander in its company-owned Today’s convenience stores.

The Gander app enables retailers to automatically display to shoppers, in real-time, all reduced-to-clear food on the shelves within their Today’s Local, Today’s Express or Today’s store. The app also sends personalised notification alerts to shoppers, ensuring that they are among the first to know about reduced-price local stock.

To use the technology, Dee Bee Wholesale retailers integrate Gander’s onboarding model into the EPoS system Re-Scan used in Today’s stores. Consumers simply download Gander via the Apple or Android app stores.

John Heagney, non-executive consultant for DeeBee, said: “This revolutionary app represents a significant step for DeeBee as we encourage our customers to make more sustainable choices when shopping. Working closely with the Gander team has enabled us to ensure less food is ending up in landfill and going to waste. With the Ganderlytics tool we are able to see essential insights into which reduced foods are selling in each store and how this is having an impact. It really is a game changer for us!”

Dee Bee (01472) 313200

Published Date: May 15, 2021
Category: Wholesale Industry News