Confex postpones trade show and stops member and HQ meetings

Following the worsening of the Covid-19 outbreak, Confex has postponed its trade show from 26 March until 21 July.

Tom Gittins: ‘We will continue to implement safety measures as the situation develops.’

What’s more, the group will not be holding any meetings at head office or at wholesale member premises until 4 April. Confex will be implementing video conferencing to ensure the office continues to function during this period. 

For the trade show, the venue of the De Vere Hotel, Cirencester, will be unchanged, as will the format, and all bookings will stand. 

In the meantime, Confex will be holding a virtual trade show the week commencing 23 March to ensure all supplier deals are available to Confex members. 

Managing director Tom Gittins said: “Following the outbreak of Covid-19, Confex is working closely with the FWD and in turn government to ensure a continual supply chain via the wholesale channel. We will continue to implement safety measures as the situation develops.” 

Tel: Confex (01608) 652333




Published Date: March 16, 2020
Category: Wholesale Industry News