Confex links with TWC to help members understand market opportunities

Confex has announced a partnership with TWC to launch a new sales data reporting service.

The service will provide insights to Confex members and suppliers to help them understand market influences and opportunities.

Jess Douglas: ‘There is immense value to be gained from harnessing information in a way that is easily usable by our members.’

According to Confex’s marketing & HR director Jess Douglas, the partnership is an important component in the group’s drive to deliver advantage and forward thinking to its 213-strong member base, which has a collective turnover of over £2.16 billion.

“The value of data is increasingly being recognised pan-industry, and we believe there is immense value to be gained from harnessing information in a way that is easily usable by our members,” said Douglas. “Our aim is to furnish stakeholders with a reliable read on what is happening across wholesale and individual supply categories based on fact, not hearsay.

“As a forward-thinking buying group, we’re looking to drive change whilst adjusting to what’s happening in the broader economic climate as members seek new revenue streams.

“How data is used in terms of its application into digital and marketing strategies is at the forefront of our thinking – our approach is mirrored by our members, many of whom have pivoted into B2C hybrid models over the last year. Knowing your customer is an absolute imperative.

“We plan that the service will be ready to ‘go-live’ from April 2021, and see it as a transformative feature that will help members’ businesses get ahead through deeper understanding of market trends, insights and influences.”

She added: “We chose TWC as our partner in this initiative due to the team’s unrivalled industry knowledge, expertise and exceptional service levels – they impressed us every step of the way.”

Users of the new Confex Data Service will be able to access information 24/7 on a phone, tablet or PC.

Tel: Confex (01608) 652333

Tel: TWC (01908) 920602

Published Date: September 18, 2020
Category: Wholesale Industry News