Confex launches Confex Accelerate technology programme

With the goal of providing a digital connection and integration across its full portfolio of members and suppliers, Confex has launched the first phase of its technology programme Confex Accelerate.

Confex Accelerate will provide a dynamic platform for suppliers to provide real-time product, pricing and promotions to Confex members, improving communication links, reducing admin, and increasing business development and marketing activities.

In addition, the programme affords the opportunity for Confex members to transform their ordering process to receive live updates on orders, including immediate order confirmations, product availability and outages, and changes to delivery schedules – all through a single connection.

Powered by Cerve, Confex Accelerate allows buyers and sellers to connect with each other without the requirement for bespoke IT development or significant costs.

Confex CEO Tom Gittins said: “We have a stated goal of becoming the most technologically advanced and digitally connected buying group in the UK, and the Accelerate programme provides the platform for significant transformation for both our members and suppliers.

“By utilising the Cerve data network to provide the platform, we are able to offer both our members and suppliers access to cutting-edge tech without the associated costs and time required to set up. We have a roadmap with further developments stretching out over the next 12 months, so there is much more to follow for our members to get excited about.”

Confex is launching the initial Accelerate platform to its members this month, and will finalise the onboarding of all suppliers during 2023. Phases two and three of the programme will be implemented in 2024.

Published Date: October 30, 2023
Category: Wholesale Industry News