CJ Lang gives 8,000 sandwiches to disadvantaged people in Dundee

CJ Lang & Son, the wholesaler to SPAR stores in Scotland, has donated 8,000 sandwiches to a number of good causes.

Colin McLean: ‘At times like this it is very important to think of those in our local area who could need our help.’

CJ Lang & Son contacted local charity Dundee Bairns – a charity that supports existing projects as well as schools in assisting with ‘holiday hunger’ – to see if they could make use of the sandwiches.

David Dorward, a representative of Dundee Bairns, said: “Over the last few weeks we have become engaged with a community of emergency food providers in the city, including a network of community larders, community fridges and food banks.

“We are immensely grateful to CJ Lang for the offer of help through the donation of sandwiches at this unprecedented time of worry and food insecurity for so many people across the city who already teeter on the edge of coping.”

CJ Lang & Son’s foodbank partner Gate Church has also taken some stock to help those in need around Dundee.

Colin McLean, CEO of CJ Lang & Son, said: “We service more than 300 community SPAR stores all over Scotland but our roots are in Dundee. At times like this it is very important to think of those in our local area who could need our help. We hope these donations will help a number of disadvantaged families at this time.”

Tel: CJ Lang and Son (01382) 512000

Published Date: April 17, 2020
Category: Wholesale Industry News