Birchall Foodservice trials electric vans as part of CSR aims

Birchall Foodservice has begun trialling electric vans from VMS Fleet Management.

“Electric vans produce zero tailpipe emissions and could play a huge part in helping us become more environmentally-friendly in the coming years,” said a company spokesperson.

“Early reports from our team of drivers suggest that the vehicles are great to drive and are economic to run, so they could be rolled out in the near future.”

The Burnley-based Country Range member has also started trials of electric Teslas for its ‘grey fleet’ of sales team vehicles.

“Again, feedback from these trials was extremely positive, and our field sales teams are excited about the possibility of going fully electric in the near future,” said the spokesperson.

Last year, Birchall Foodservice published a comprehensive overview of its vision for the future in a corporate social responsibility (CSR) report titled Delivering a Better Tomorrow.

Its policies involve managing its social and environmental impact with local initiatives, while also working industry-wide with strategic partners. Its commitments are to:
• Achieve sustainability and reduce its environmental impacts.
• Develop efficiencies that provide cost savings which can enhance its competitive offer in each of the markets it serves.
• Increase responsible sourcing and procurement credentials with particular focus on plastics, palm oil, marine stewardship and modern slavery.
• Provide information to allow customers to make informed decisions.
• Provide a positive, healthy and safe working environment which facilitates gender equality, wellbeing and engagement.

Tel: Birchall Foodservice (01282) 429446

Published Date: May 16, 2021
Category: Wholesale Industry News