Bestway helps customers with new tobacco rules

More than 2,000 Bestway Wholesale customers have enlisted the company’s support via its website to help them prepare for the new Track and Trace legislation covering the tobacco sector.

They have been advised that what they need is an Economic Operator Identifier Code for themselves and a Facility Identifier Code for each of the stores in which they sell tobacco products. Registration can be done online.

Traders will need their codes when purchasing the new Track and Trace compliant tobacco products from their wholesaler from 20 May. However, there is a one-year sell-through for non-compliant stock.

Trading director Kenton Burchell said: “The new Track and Trace legislation will have a positive impact if it prevents illicit trade and improves public health.

“However, the short timescales the industry and government departments have been working to have put a lot of pressure on the industry.

“We’re playing our part in helping all retailers prepare for the legislation.”

The process to apply for codes opens on 30 April; anyone who does not have the relevant codes from 20 May will not be able to buy or sell Track and Trace stock.

The legislation also requires tobacco manufacturers to change their packaging, adding a Unique Identifier Code to each packet and five specific security features. C&C/wholesalers will need to use scanners to track tobacco sales.

Tel: Bestway Wholesale 020-8453 1234


Published Date: April 24, 2019
Category: Wholesale Industry News