Bestway creates Best-in own-label range as replacement for Best-one

Bestway Wholesale has rebranded its Best-one own-label range as Best-in.

The range has been created against three core principles and measurements: margin, value and quality.

It features more than 160 lines comprising a mix of new products as well as reformulated and repackaged existing lines.

Categories include impulse lines, core groceries, sweets, soft drinks, cold coffee, pet foods, and laundry products. Examples are two-litre carbonates, toilet tissue four-pack, and 500g pasta – all price-marked at £1.

The Best-in range offers retailers a margin of 30% to 75%, and is accessible to all Bestway customers, regardless of the fascia.

Bestway reports that early sales are showing double-digit growth compared to the former Best-one range.

Dawood Pervez, managing director of Bestway Wholesale, commented: “Our trading teams have worked tirelessly with key suppliers to create our new Best-in range – a range that resonates with all of our symbol groups and independent retailers.

“With cost-of-living pressures, it was inevitable that consumers would look for quality alternatives to branded goods and we have reacted to the market conditions to deliver this progressive range that offers affordable quality.

“For retailers looking to respond to market conditions and meet their customers’ needs, our exclusive Best-in range is a winning solution that delivers a quality product to the consumer at an affordable price, whilst delivering the retailer more margin to help them grow their business.”



Published Date: May 15, 2024
Category: Wholesale Industry News