Nisa distribution vehicles given own-brand makeover

Symbol chain Nisa has unveiled 68 new-look distribution vehicles, featuring full-side liveries advertising the Heritage own-label range in a series of six designs.

Nisa lorry

Brand manager Erin May said that the imagery is aimed at ‘taking advantage of the relative lack of impactful vehicle designs on the road from competitor groups’.

The vehicles focus on key lines such as cereals, popcorn, coffee, fresh produce and burgers. There is also a generic range version, showing a variety of own-label products.

A social media campaign has also been launched to encourage consumers to watch out for the branded lorries, asking them to transmit a photo and say where the vehicle was seen.

May commented: “The Heritage range is one of Nisa’s key USPs, offering a three-tier own label solution, suitable for both symbol retailers and those trading through Nisa’s independent and specialist business unit.”

Tel: Nisa: (01724) 282028

Published Date: December 11, 2015
Category: Wholesale Industry News