13% increase in Fairway Foodservice sales

Combined turnover of Fairway Foodservice members last year rose by 13% – from £556 million to £626 million.

Chris Binge

Chris Binge: ‘Our members’ hard work and focus on service has been well rewarded.’

The Huddersfield-based group comprises 17 wholesalers in the UK, Ireland and Spain.

Commenting on the updated figure, chief executive Chris Binge said: “We are delighted. Our members’ hard work and focus on service has been well rewarded.”

He described the increase as “a fantastic achievement”, following a rise of 11% in the previous year.

Binge commented: “The market has been buoyant, diesel fuel has been stable and we have had a deflationary food environment. And we at Fairway Foodservice continue to work hard to support our wholesalers in their endeavours too.”

He added that the group backs members’ independence and regionality and provides them with common needs and services. The results also reflected well on Fairway’s suppliers.

Binge, however, remains guarded about the immediate future, referring to “a few headwinds on the horizon”. They include increases in the cost of diesel fuel, a shortage of HGV drivers and more expensive food commodities. For this reason, he warns, “it may be difficult to achieve organic growth of similar levels this year, but current trading is still very good”.

Tel: Fairway Foodservice (01422) 319100

Published Date: June 2, 2016
Category: Wholesale Industry News