Extra sales to make everyone smile
Julio Guijarro, marketing director of Wrigley UK, encourages C&Cs to utilise educational PoS and secondary displays to exploit the sugar-free opportunity.

Julio Guijarro: ‘It is important that wholesalers take steps to educate customers so they understand that gum is a must-stock item at the till point’.
What proportion of your business goes through the cash & carry/delivered wholesale trade?
In 2014, about 35% of total business went through cash & carry/wholesale. This figure has remained relatively steady year on year.
How are you looking to develop your business through the cash & carry/delivered wholesale trade?
We are focused on providing the channel with a strong range of activities and pack formats that allow cash & carries and wholesalers to grow their entire confectionery category. We regularly review the work we do to ensure processes are running smoothly and wholesalers are getting the support they require. Our sales reps are always on hand to provide wholesalers with comprehensive advice, and regularly sell trial stock to the independent trade which has a positive knock-on effect for wholesalers when they come to re-stock. We also continue to provide up-to-date category advice, including merchandising ideas and category management support. With 37% of retailers picking up unintended items from an end-of-aisle display or pallet, it is important to interrupt them with eye-catching secondary displays, clearly labelled with price and/or profit-on-return messaging. We have a selection of up-to-date planograms (which can be adjusted according to the usable space), PoS, top tips and trends available to cash & carries.
Are there any cash & carries/delivered wholesalers you wish to highlight as being particularly progressive?
Increasingly, we are seeing cash & carries utilising aisle space and creating in-depot theatre using a range of additional PoS accessories and specialist equipment. The two wholesalers I’d call out as being progressive would be Booker for its efforts relating to online and delivered capability, and Bestway for its focus on core range and display through better use of category-led sales-out data.
What are the key trends in the sugar-free sector and do you find that C&Cs/ delivered wholesalers act on these?
What is your opinion on the sugar tax? Do you anticipate it having a negative impact on some of your brands and a positive impact on others?
As part of Mars Incorporated, we are committed to addressing health and wellness issues. We have just launched ‘The Extra Smile Back’ project to highlight the importance of oral health. Wrigley is donating money to Action for Children with every pack of Extra sold between 23 May and 23 July. We are just as active when it comes to promoting healthy lifestyles. In January, Skittles announced that it had joined the ‘Happiest 5k on the Planet’ by becoming a sponsor of The Color Run UK.
How can C&Cs/delivered wholesalers improve their sugar confectionery fixtures and boost sales and profits?
Tel: Wrigley (01189) 317030
Published Date: June 18, 2016