Former England rugby player Shaunagh Brown to speak at DiW event

Shaunagh Brown (pictured), former England rugby player, will be the guest speaker at the Diversity in Wholesale (DiW) conference, which takes place on 12 September at 30 Euston Square, London.

Brown, who is also a former firefighter, commercial diver and British Gas engineer, will talk about the challenges she encountered as a black woman in an elite rugby team.

The theme of the DiW conference is ‘Celebrate Difference’, and the programme will address seven issues: gender, age, wellness, disability, LGBTQ+, ethnicity and neurodiversity.

The line-up of speakers also includes Vipin Patara, managing director of SOS Wholesale, and Holly Pennington, HR & training manager of Parfetts.

In addition to individual speakers there will be workshops covering parental leave and age & menopause.

Tickets are £249 plus VAT, and the full programme, with a link to buy tickets, is here


Published Date: July 27, 2023
Category: Wholesale Industry News