FWD chief expresses concern over Sainsbury-Asda merger
He believes that reduced costs which the retail giants say would occur would actually raise prices for independents and lessen choice in their locality.
Bielby talks about a ‘waterbed effect’, which would mean reduced prices for some shoppers and higher ones for others.
There could be a “massive disortion in the market” placing an “unfair burden” on smaller shops and the C&C/wholesalers supplying them.
Bielby commented: “Independent shops thrive on a mix of great service, tailored product offers and a fair price. They make a vital contribution, both socially and economically. Disadvantaging them so that huge supermarket chains can compete with Aldi and Lidl would be a step backwards.”
Tel: FWD (01323) 724952
Published Date: June 8, 2018